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@chrisN01 : I saw your comment on the Praziquantel article. Thank you.  So just a quick question.  If one does an MG+F treatment and then want to follow up with a fluke treatment can you do a fluke treatment with a solution of Formalin and Praziquentel or is that too much formalin for the koi?  

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Yes - but do the M + F treatment at the correct dose - wait 3 - 4 days and do the Praziquantel treatment - BUT if you are going mix the praziquanel with formalin as a treatment over and above the M + F - use as little formalin as possible. I used a lot of formalin - actually doing a pond treatment with out malachite green.

This post was modified 3 years ago by nevilleB

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Posts: 49

Chris, yes I have been using the Vodka method before, til I saw the nylon stocking method. I now prefer to go that way as it does take away any concern that the alcohol may effect the efficacy of the Praziquantel. 

This post was modified 3 years ago by nevilleB

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Please advise about the use of mgf and the negative issue for filters and killing bacteria , and for howlong after treatment should one start feeding normally again . Or does formaline and melachite gren realy kill all bacteria as PP would do. I have been using mgf together with prezi and found good results sofar . (Dissolving prezi in a stocking ) and dosing just after mgf. 

Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 49

@adeelns Hi Adeel,

I supply my Malachite green and formalin separately. One can now dose your Malachite green and then mix your Praziquantel dosage into the formalin dose and dose that at the same time.

Should you however only have a fluke or worm issue then I recommend you mix your Praziquantel dosage and your correct formalin dose, and dose it, Aparently from the knowledgeable fellows that I talk to this enhances the Praziquantel dosage.


This post was modified 2 years ago by nevilleB
